
Who doesn’t Love a Road Trip!

Royal Canin held a Weight Management Symposium on February 4th in Saskatoon. Several members of our team attended to learn about the most up to date weight management techniques and nutritional information.

The management of obesity can be difficult for pets and their owners and we hope to be able to provide our clients with the support and encouragement needed in order to get our overweight pets healthy.

We all learned a great deal about the most up to date methods used to assess the body condition of the patient as well as determine their unique physical needs. Our goal is to help ensure the success of our patients on their ideal weight loss program.

We look forward to bringing this new information to our clients to help patients get healthy and stay healthy. And with this goal in mind we will be having our first ever Weight Loss Challenge throughout the month of March.

To sign up simply bring your pet in to the clinic for a pre contest weigh in. We will provide you with a food calculation to ensure your pet is eating the correct amount of calories for weight loss and a food recommendation where necessary. While your pet is in the clinic we will also take their before photos. We will be posting everyone’s results on our Facebook page as well as in clinic on our Weight Loss Wall. There will prizes awarded along the way as your pet achieves his or her weight loss goals.

If you are interested in having your pet join the challenge please call the clinic to schedule your pet’s weight assessment today!



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