Fear Free Approach/Behavior Consultation

Stress-Free-VisitVictoria Veterinary Clinic has Fear Free Certification Professionals. This program focuses on reducing fear, anxiety and stress in our companion animals. Our doctors and staff learn methods that promote a considerate approach and gentle control techniques to improve everyone’s experience during the visit to the clinic. For more information about Fear Free ask our staff or visit www.fearfreepets.com.

Pets sometimes exhibit behaviors that are not fully understood or may be unwelcome.  Employing a variety of possible approaches, our staff will work with you, providing individual consultations, follow-up exams and/or researched information specific to address your pet’s inappropriate behavior.

Additional Information and Tips

Fear Free Visit Questions

    As Fear Free Certified Professionals, we want to make your pet’s veterinary experience as enjoyable and as stress-free as possible. As such, it’s important for us to understand what your pet might find upsetting. The information will help us to adjust our care to better serve and comfort your pet. Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability so we can take into consideration both you and your pet’s preferences.




    Client Name:


    Client Email:


    Pet Name:


    Does your pet show any reluctance to getting into the carrier or car?


    How and where does your pet travel in the car? (Ex: seatbelt, carrier, loose, etc.)


    How would you describe your pet’s behavior in the car? (Ex: eager and excited, subdued, barking/meowing, drooling, vomiting, whining, calm)


    Does your pet have a preferred healthcare provider?

    No PreferenceFemaleMale


    Describe any situations where your pet has shown any avoidance or dislikes in the past (Ex: getting into carrier or car, being approached by veterinary staff, getting on scale for weight, being put up on the table for examination, having a rectal temperature taken, waiting with other people and animals in the exam room, etc.)


    How would you describe your pet around other animals and people?


    Does your pet have any sensitive areas that he/she does not like to have touched by you or others?


    If so, what areas?


    Are there any procedures your pet has not liked having performed at the veterinary hospital in the past or that seemed difficult for you or the staff to do? (Ex: nail trims, temperature, weight, ear exam, blood draw, etc.). If so, how did your pet react?


    What are your pet’s favorite treats?


    Does your pet like to play with toys? If so, what kind?


    Has your pet ever been prescribed any medications or supplements to help with a visit to the veterinary hospital? If so, what was it and what sort of results did you experience?


    Is there anything else you would like us to know?

    If your pet has any favorite treats or toys please bring them along to the visit. As well bringing your pet in hungry can encourage them to take treats while visiting which can make the experience more enjoyable for them.